
QoTW #51 Would it be good secure programming practice to overwrite a “sensitive” variable before deleting it?

2014-12-12 by Xander. 0 comments

Jonathan recently asked this question about secure development practices, specifically, whether it makes a difference to your application’s security if you overwrite the values of sensitive variables as soon as you’re through with them.  The rational is that if you don’t clear the variable values then there is a wider window of opportunity for a malicious party to be able to find and use the sensitive data by reading it out of RAM.

Gillesanswer explains that yes, this is important, and explains why.  There are a number of reasons, and while an attacker reading the values out of RAM is a consideration, it isn’t even one of the more important ones.

Yes, it is good practice security-wise to overwrite data that is particularly sensitive when the data is no longer necessary, i.e. as part of an object destructor (either an explicit destructor provided by the language or an action that the program takes before deallocating the object). It is even good practice to overwrite data that isn’t in itself sensitive, for example to zero out pointer fields in a data structure that goes out of use, and also zero out pointers when the object they point to is freed even if you know you aren’t going to use that field anymore. One reason to do this is in case the data leaks through external factors such as an exposed core dump, a stolen hibernation image, a compromised server allowing a memory dump of running processes, etc. Physical attacks where an attacker extracts the RAM sticks and makes use of data remanence are rarely a concern except on laptop computers and perhaps mobile devices such as phones (where the bar is higher because the RAM is soldered), and even then mostly in targeted scenarios only. Remanence of overwritten values is not a concern: it would take very expensive hardware to probe inside a RAM chip to detect any lingering microscopic voltage difference that might be influenced by an overwritten value. If you’re worried about physical attacks on the RAM, a bigger concern would be to ensure that the data is ovewritten in RAM and not just in the CPU cache. But, again, that’s usually a very minor concern. The most important reason to overwrite stale data is as a defense against program bugs that cause uninitialized memory to be used, such as the infamous Heartbleed. This goes beyond sensitive data because the risk is not limited to a leak of the data: if there is a software bug that causes a pointer field to be dereferenced without having been initialized, the bug is both less prone to exploitation and easier to trace if the field contains all-bits-zero than if it potentially points to a valid but meaningless memory location.

The accepted answer by makerofthings7 reckons that not only is this important, also lays some conditions that need to be considered.

Yes that is a good idea to overwrite then delete/release the value. Do not assume that all you have to do is “overwrite the data” or let it fall out of scope for the GC to handle, because each language interacts with the hardware differently. When securing a variable you might need to think about:
  • encryption (in case of memory dumps or page caching)
  • pinning in memory
  • ability to mark as read-only (to prevent any further modifications)
  • safe construction by NOT allowing a constant string to be passed in
  • optimizing compilers (see note in linked article re: ZeroMemory macro)

Andy Dent‘s answer has some advice for achieving this in C and C++

  • Use volatile
  • Use pragmas to surround the code using that variable and disable optimisations.
  • If possible, only assemble the secret in intermediate values rather than any named variables, so it only exists during calculations.

Lawtenfogle points out that you need to be wary of constructs like .NET’s immutable strings, and re-iterates the potential problem with optimizing compilers.

Storing a value that isn’t used again? Seems like something that would be optimized out, regardless of any benefit it might provide. Also, you may not actually overwrite the data in memory depending upon how the language itself works. For example, in a language using a garbage collector, it wouldn’t be removed immediately (and this is assuming you didn’t leave any other references hanging around). For example, in C#, I think the following doesn’t work.
string secret = "my secret data";

...lots of work...

string secret = "blahblahblah";
"my secret data" hangs around until garbage collected because it is immutable. That last line is actually creating a new string and having secret point to it. It does not speed up how fast the actual secret data is removed.

Several answers and comments also pointed out that when using a non-managed language like C or C++, when you can, you should also pin the memory in order to prevent it from being swapped to disk where sensitive values might remain indefinitely.

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A short statement on the Heartbleed problem and its impact on common Internet users.

2014-04-11 by lucaskauffman. 2 comments

On the 7th of April 2014 a team of security engineers (Riku, Antti and Matti) at Codenomicon and Neel Mehta of Google Security published information on a security issue in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is a piece of software used in the encryption process; it helps you in coding your computer traffic to ensure unauthorized people cannot understand what you are sending from one computer network to another. It is used in many applications: for example if you use on-line banking websites, code such as OpenSSL helps to ensure that your PIN code remains secret.

The information that was released caused great turmoil in the security community, and many panic buttons were pressed because of the wide-spread use of OpenSSL. If you are using a computer and the Internet you might be impacted: people at home just as much as major corporations. OpenSSL is used for example in web, e-mail and VPN servers and even in some security appliances. However, the fact that you have been impacted does not mean you can no longer use your PC or any of its applications. You may be a little more vulnerable, but the end of the world may still be further than you think. First of all some media reported on the “Heartbleed virus”. Heartbleed is in fact not a virus at all. You cannot be infected with it and you cannot protect against being infected. Instead it is an error in the computer programming code for specific OpenSSL versions (not all) which a hacker could potentially use to obtain  information from the server (which could possibly include passwords and encryption keys, along with other random data in the server’s memory) potentially allowing him to break into a system or account.

Luckily, most applications in which OpenSSL is used, rely on more security measures than only OpenSSL. Most banks for instance continuously work to remain abreast of security issues, and have implemented several measures that lower the risk this vulnerability poses. An example of such a protective measure is transaction signing with an off-line card reader or other forms of two –factor authentication. Typically exploiting the vulnerability on its own will not allow an attacker post fraudulent transactions if you are using two-factor authentication or an offline token generator for transaction signing.

So in summary, does the Heartbleed vulnerability affect end-users? Yes, but not dramatically. A lot of the risk to the end-users can be lowered by following common-sense security principles:

  • Regularly change your on-line passwords (as soon as the websites you use let you know they have updated their software, this is worthwhile, but it should be part of your regular activity)
  • Ideally, do not use the same password for two on-line websites or applications
  • Keep the software on your computer up-to-date.
  • Do not perform on-line transactions on a public network (e.g. WiFi hotspots in an airport). Anyone could be trying to listen in.

Security Stack Exchange has a wide range of questions on Heartbleed ranging from detail on how it works to how to explain it to non-technical friends. 

Authors: Ben Van Erck, Lucas Kauffman

QoTW #49: How can someone go off-web, and anonymise themselves after a life online?

2014-01-27 by roryalsop. 2 comments

Everything we do these days is online, whether through our own social media, purchases from online stores, tracking by google, Amazon etc., and the concept of gaining some sort of freedom is getting traction in the media, with the leaking of NSA snooping documents and other privacy concerns, so before Christmas I asked the deceptively simple question:

How can someone go off-web, and anonymise themselves after a life online?

Which ended up being the most popular question I have ever asked on Stack Exchange, by a good margin.

Lucas Kauffman supplied the top rated answer – which goes into some detail on heuristics and data mining, which is likely to be the biggest problem for anyone trying to do this successfully:

Avoiding heuristics means changing everything you do completely. Stop using the same apps, accounts, go live somewhere else and do not buy the same food from the same brands. The problem here is that this might also pop up as a special pattern because it is so atypical. Changing your identity is the first step. The second one is not being discovered…the internet doesn’t forget. This means that photos of you will remain online, messages you posted, maybe even IDs you shared will remain on the net. So even when changing your behavior it only will need one picture which might expose you.

The Little Bear provided a short but insightful message, with disturbing undertones:

You cannot enforce forgetfulness. The Web is like a big memory, and you cannot force it to forget everything about you(*). The only way, thus, is to change your identity so that everything the Web knows about you becomes stale. From a cryptographic point of view, this is the same case as with a secret value shared by members of a group: to evict a group member, you have to change the secret value. (*) Except by applying sufficiently excessive force. A global thermonuclear war, with all the involved EMP, might do the trick, albeit with some side effects.

Question3CPO looks again at statistics on your financial footprint, but with a focus on how to muddy the waters with:

When it comes to finances, it’s similar; I have to make an assumption that the data I receive are an accurate indicator of who you are. Suppose you make 1/3 or more of your purchases completely away from your interest, for instance, you’re truly a Libertarian, but you decide to subscribe to a Socialist magazine. How accurate are my data then? Also, you may change in ten years, so how accurate will my data be then, unless I account for it (and how effective then is it to have all the historic data)?

and Ajoy follows up with some more pointers on poisoning data stores:

  1. Make a list of all websites where you have accounts or which are linked to you in some way.
  2. One by one, remove your personal details, friends, etc. Add misinformation – new obscure data, new friends, new interests, anything else you can think of. De-link your related accounts, re-link them to other fake ones.
  3. Let the poisoned information stay for some time. Meanwhile, you could additionally change these details again. Poisoning the poisoned! Ensure that there is no visible pattern or link between any of the poisoned accounts.
  4. Then you could delete all of them, again very slowly.

There are quite a few other insightful answers, and the question attracted a couple of very interesting comments, including my favourite:

At the point you have succeeded you will also be someone else. –  stackunderflow

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QoTW #42: Would publishing a network diagram make the network less secure?

2013-01-25 by roryalsop. 3 comments

I chose this week’s Question of the Week, saber tabatabaee yazdi‘s “Would publishing a network diagram make the network less secure?” because this is a point which seems to be often misunderstood.

Saber asked this question because he had come across various websites designed to let people share their network diagrams and designs in order that others can comment on them and provide guidance and he wondered what the risks would be from this.

As an example, this diagram from provides IP addresses, host names and even descriptions:

AJ Henderson provided the very valid comment that security through obscurity is not security, but admits that any network will have some weaknesses, and avoiding giving this information to a potential attacker is probably advised.

My answer is taken from the experience of managing many hundreds of penetration tests. My take on it is:

having a map helps me target my attack, avoiding possible sensors, honeypots etc and aiming at high value targets or sources of information. This can speed up an attack immensely, reducing the defender’s chance of preventing it.

But the value from these sites is that you can have obvious mistakes pointed out to you – peer review can be a very valuable thing. So how can you do that safely?

To reduce risk, some steps you can take are:
  • remove addresses, function titles etc
  • only include sections of the network
  • post under an anonymous profile
  • include fake network sections

An attacker will still get information, but it hopefully won’t be enough to let them navigate your entire network.

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QotW #20: Are Powerline ethernet adapters inherently secure?

2012-03-15 by roryalsop. 0 comments

ZM15 asked this interesting question just before Christmas over on Superuser. It came over to Security Stack Exchange for some security specific input and I was delighted to see it, as I have done a fair bit of work in the practical elements of securing communications – so this blog post may be a tad biased towards my experiences.

For those not in the know, Powerline ethernet is a technology which allows you to transmit ethernet over your existing mains wiring – which is very useful for buildings which aren’t suitable for running cabling, as all you need to do is pop one of these where you want to connect a computer or other ethernet enabled device and they will be able to route TCP/IP packets. There are some caveats of course, the signal really only works on a single phase, so if you have multiple phases in your house the signal may not travel from one to another, although as DBasnett commented, to get around this, commercial properties may inject the signal deliberately onto all phases.

Example Powerline Adapter Early Powerline adapters had very poor signal quality – noise on the mains caused many problems – but since then the technology has improved considerably, partly through increasing the signal strength, but also through improving the filters which allow you to separate signal from mains.

This is where the security problem lies – that signal can travel quite far down wires, and despite fuse boxes offering some resistance to signals, you can often find the signal is retrievable in the neighbour’s house. Damien answered:

I have experienced the signal bleed from my next door neighbor. I … could identify two other powerline adapters using the same network name. I got anywhere between 10 to 20Mbps of throughput between their adapters and mine. I was able to access their router, watch streaming video and see the computers on the network. I also noticed they had gotten IPs on my router also.

This prompted him to enable security.

Tylerl gave an excellent viewpoint, which is as accurate here as it has ever been:

Many of the more expensive network security disasters in IT have come from the assumption that “behind the firewall” everything is safe.

Here the assumption was that the perimeter of the house is a barrier, but it really isn’t.

Along even weirder lines, as is the way with any electrical signal, it will be transmitted to some degree from every wire that carries it, so if you have the right equipment you may be able to pick up the traffic from a vehicle parked on the street. This has long been an issue for organisations dealing in highly sensitive information, so various techniques have been developed to shield against these transmissions, however you are unlikely to have a Faraday cage built into your house. (See the article on TEMPEST over on Wikipedia or this 1972 NSA document for more information)

For similar wireless eavesdropping, read about keyboards, securing physical locations, this answer from Tom Leek and this one from Rook – all pointing out that to a determined attacker, there is not a lot the average person can do to protect themselves.

Scared yet?

Well, unless you have attackers specifically targeting you, you shouldn’t be, as it is very straightforward to enable security that would be appropriate for most individuals, at least for the foreseeable future. TEMPEST shielding should not be necessary and if you do run Powerline ethernet:

Most Powerline adapters have a security option – simply encryption using a shared key. It adds a little overhead to each communication, but as you can now get 1Gb adapters, this shouldn’t affect most of us. If you need >1Gb, get your property wired.

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QotW #18: How can we destroy data on a hard drive?

2012-02-16 by roryalsop. 0 comments

Rather than focus on a specific question this week, we have 9 questions related to the destruction of data, 5 of which are specifically interested in destroying hard drives, as in this modern age where everything is recorded, there are good reasons for ensuring data is deleted when required.

So this post will concentrate on destroying the the drive itself. For the deletion of data from a storage device, have a look at our blog post for Question of the week number 4: How can you reliably wipe data from a storage device?

Matthew Doucette asked simply: How do you destroy an old hard drive?

To which Scott Pack produced the following incredibly detailed answer:

When it comes to drive destruction you typically see one of two main fields:

  1. Disk Degaussing
  2. Physical Destruction


Degaussing used to be the norm, but I am not such a big fan. On the plus side it is fast, you’ll normally just dump the disks on a conveyor belt and watch them get fed through the device. The problem is auditability. Since the circuitry is rendered wobbly, you won’t be able to do a spot check of the drives and verify that the data is gone. It is possible, with some level of probability unknown to me, that data could still exist on the platters. Retrieving the data would, without question, be difficult, but the fact still remains that you cannot demonstrate the data is actually gone. As such, most companies now will actually be doing physical destruction.

Physical Destruction

At the low end, say a small box of drives at a time, you’ll have hard drive crushers. They’re often pneumatic presses that deform the platters beyond useful recognition. At the risk of supporting a specific product, I have personally used this product from eDR. It works well, and is very cathartic.

At a larger scale, say dozens or hundreds of disks, you’ll find large industrial shredders. They operate just like a paper shredder, but are designed to process much stiffer equipment. The mangled bits of metal that are left over are barely identifiable as hard drives.

At an even larger scale you can start looking at incinerators that will melt the drives down to unidentifiable lumps of slag. Since most electronics can produce some rather scary fumes and airborne particulates, I would not recommend doing this on you own. No, this is not a good use of your chiminea.

Manual Dis-assembly

If you are dealing with one or two drives at a time, then simple dis-assembly might be sufficient. Most drives these days are largely held together with torx screws, and will come apart with varying levels of difficulty. Simply remove the top cover, remove the platters from the central spindle. Taking a pocket knife, nail file, screwdriver, whatever, have fun scoring both surfaces of each platter. Then dispose of the materials appropriately. I cannot speak to how recoverable the data is afterwards, but it is probably sufficient. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that while most desktop hard drive platters are metal, some are glass. The glass ones shatter quite extravagantly.

Additional Considerations

Before you decide on a destruction method, make sure to identify what kind of data is stored on each device and treat it appropriately. There may be regulatory or legal requirements for information disposal depending on what data is stored on the disk. As an example, see section 8-306 of DoD 5220.22-M.

For hard drive destruction, DoD 5220.22-M section 8-306 recommends: “Disintegrate, incinerate, pulverize, shred, or melt”

All that being said, performing a single pass zero wipe is probably sufficient for your purposes. Modern research indicates that modern hard drives are largely immune to the “magnetic memory” problem we used to see on magnetic tape. I would never bother doing anything more on a household drive unless the drive itself was exhibiting failures

Ryan M asked a very similar question – What is the best method of retiring hard drives?

And Scott also gave these 2 excellent points in his answer:

Electrical Scrambling

In the olden days when you had a room packed with tape there were few things better than a big honkin’degausser for making sure that you knew what left the room. As hard drives supplanted tape, their use simply got transferred to the new medium. The biggest advantage to using a degausser to take care of hard drives is speed. Just pass a box through the unit, ignore the jiggling in your fillings, and walk away with clean drives. The downside is the lack of ability to audit data destruction. As discussed in the Wikipedia article, once a hard drive is degaussed, the drive is mechanically unusable. As such, one cannot spot check the drive to ensure cleanliness. In theory the platters could be relocated to a new device and we cannot state, categorically, that the data will not be accessible.

Wanton Destruction

This is without question my favorite. Not only because we demonstrate, without question, that the data is gone, but the process is very cathartic. I have been known to take an hour or so, dip into the “To Be Destroyed” bin, and manually disassemble drives. For modern hard drives all you need is a torx set and time (possibly pliers). While one will stock up on their magnet collection, this method of destruction is very time consuming. Many companies have developed equipment specifically for hard drive destruction en-masse. These range from large industrial shredders to single unit crushers such as this beauty from eDR. I have personally used that particular crusher, and highly recommend it to any Information Security professional who has had a bit of a rough day.

I’m thinking if I ever need to destroy hard drives, I’ll either blow them up / give them to my kids / use them for target practice or ask Scott to have fun with them.

Dan Beale points out that exactly what approach you take depends on:

  • how sensitive is the information
  • how serious are the attackers
  • do you need to follow a protocol
  • do you need to persuade other people the data has gone

Auditability is essential if you are susceptible to regulations around data retention and destruction, and for most organisations this will be essential around regulations such as the Data Protection Act 1998 (UK), GLB or HIPAA (US) and others.